Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 3... the bathrooms... whos worse. teen girls or dads?

Ok so today is the day I decided to scrub bathrooms.  While still have much more to do, I managed to make some progress.  The bathroom located in my room that is shared by my husband and I wasnt too bad.  But when I opened the shower curtain in the girl's bathroom (you know, the one that is also used by company when they come over), I saw the reason why my kids have been asking to use my shower instead of their own.  I must say that I am thankful for my solid fabric shower curtain that hides messes, while subtly adding that hint of happy colors! Wow.  I am officially embarrassed for anyone who would have seen it had they came over unannounced.  Everything from remnants of my tween's last leg-scaping, to various concoctions of face wash/bodywash/shampoo/conditioner.  And it all was this crazy blue color-which none of it was blue to begin with, and leads me to wonder if maybe there was some household cleaner in any of it some how... Wait-what color was the toilet bowl gel cleaner?  But have no fear.  It was nothing that a good Force Flex bag, Clorox Wipes and a Mr. Clean Magic Bathroom Eraser couldnt tackle.  And let me say that Mr. Clean and I have developed a beautiful relationship.  His eraser is really magic!  Oh how he managed to get the permanent marker off of the plastic Q-tip holder, I do not know; but I am forever grateful just the same!

Now our bathroom mainly needs a good floor cleaning.  My best friend came to visit while her ac was getting worked on, because here in the mommyhood, its 109 degrees IN THE SHADE! So she kept me company while I was cleaning.  And together we came up with a question.  How on earth do men manage to get pee under the hinges of the toilet seat, on the wall beside the toilet, AND on the little caps that cover the bolts that bolt the toilet to the floor???  Really?  You can drink a few beers and write your name, legibly in the snow, but you cant hit the middle of a round circle from less than 2 feet away that happens to be big enough for me to fall into at 2:30 am?  We cant understand it... But please, guys, dont blame it on 'size', cause well, lets face it... most likely, you're lying.

But once we got over the amazement of how men cant aim, yet my dog knows that if he cant hold it anymore after being trapped indoors all day long, to go to the exact same spot in the kitchen where no one walks, we started chatting about other things.  And one of the things the conversation reminded me of something I really havent thought about but makes alot of sense.  It is something easy to lose sight of, but at the same time very important in the role of being a mom-working or not. 

All to often, in the chaos that is managing a family, moms everywhere of every kind tend to forget about one person.  Themselves.  They become the cook, the maid, the chauffer, the therapist, the referee, the ATM, the banker, the nurse, and the fix-it person.  Those who work also become the wife, the student, or the dedicated employee thats overworked and underappreciated (under paid), on top of all the previously mentioned titles.  But they forget who they are aside from all those important things.  They inadvertantly allow themselves to become what they do.  And its when you lose sight of you that you begin to feel out of control.  You become burned out to the point that you cant maintain everything you work hard for.  When you do take "mom breaks" you dont even know what to do.  You dont even know what you like to do for fun because you forgot who you are, remember?  Although I rarely have time for it, I love taking pictures, and I recently discovered the Painting with a Twist class..  Not for everyone, but I learned that I like painting.  I love to drink coffee and chat with friends, I enjoy school because its a major I care about.  So I have to remember to remind myself that I need to keep my identity.  Moms, if you forget that your first name is NOT 'momma', 'honey', 'baby', or 'mooooooom' (with that whiney tone), or if you only remember your first name because of what it says on your name badge or your signature on your work email, then its time to get out there and rediscover who you are.  Not only do you deserve it, but it will benefit your kids to see you taking an interest in something and utilizing that something to channel stress.  Besides.  If you see your job as you, and put all of your self worth in your jobs then you are at risk.  Sometimes, we are thrown the unexpected in jobs-paid or parenting- that isnt so pretty.  When something fails, for lack of better term, then we see it as a reflection of ourselves, when its NOT. And that, my friends, can be like letting a 3 year old run unattended in a glass shop...with a slingshot and pockets loaded with ammunition.... just a thought!

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