Saturday, August 13, 2011

what day is it now?

Not necessarily certain what day this makes now, but I know I still feel like I am on vacation, and destined to have to return to work on Monday.  Subconsciously I catch myself thinking "Darn, only a day and a half before I have to go back!"  But I can honestly say that I have learned a lot over the past week.  I have learned that kids are pigs, there is a reason they tell you to cut dogs hair WITH the hair growth and not against. I have found many more places that require dusting than just the mantle and pictures. You know-over door frames, baseboards.  I have learned why paper pictures have become obsolete.  I have learned that I have more picture frames that go on tables, than I have places to put them.  I learned that my Dyson reaches places I never thought existed, but can not reach the top of a 19 foot cathedral ceiling. I learned that should you chose the Dyson to clean little, tiny styrofoam beads, it may be a good idea to spray the inside of the canister with a little static guard first.  I even learned that the shiny squishy pillows you can get at just about any store that sells home decor and bedding, are full of billions of little, tiny styrofoam beads.  Another thing on those little squishy pillows-Cats love to claw them up to shreds. So while I have learned alot about cleaning, I still have alot to learn about laying the law down on these kids.  However, I feel as if I am rapidly coming closer and closer to the proverbial line.  You moms know which one I am referring too-that one that lies above our heads, the one we ways hit with our hands as we say "I have had it up to here"... Yeah, that one.  I am almost there....

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