Wednesday, August 24, 2011

just a little anal... maybe?

School is going pretty good so far.  However, being the first time I have taken daytime classes at this 4 year university, i can say that i feel extremely OLD!  i seem to be one of the oldest ones in my classes. which, since i am a sophjunsenior, and three of my classes are freshmen level courses that i never took at the 2 year community college, i guess it should be expected that i be surrounded by freshmen and sophmores.  But it isnt all that bad as i do see alot more college moms my age than i thought i would, so im not totally alone! 

today, in sociology, i received my first group research project EVER!  and of course, like i imagined i would, i absolutely hate it!  like the stories from many others that i have heard over the years, the group consists of the "motherly" type who wants to, not only, be in control and boss everyone around, but wants to talk to everyone else like they are her children.  She didnt realize that while she "is 32, and sooooo experienced" (using my 'high and ever so mighty" voice in my head as i typed that), I will be 32 this year as well.  But I felt bad that there was one girl-the softer spoken one of the group- who would make suggestions and no one would really listen to her.  she had some very valid points but every time she would speak everyone would turn as if they were hearing an annoying phone ringing somewhere in the distance.  of course I (being the somewhat rude person i am) would hear her and, would cut them off and repeat what she said, then immediately smile at her and say that i thought it was a very good or valid point!  The funniest part was when this girl started to talk to me like i was another inexperienced freshman who wouldn't know anything about the topic.  I politely made it a point in the conversation to drop the information that not only am i 31 years of age, but also the proud mother of a 12 year old 7th grader. it was like i just took off my shirt and bra and danced for them topless.  No 31 is not me or most reading this blog.  But to an 17-19 year old, i might as well have a foot in the grave.  Like i had desparately hoped, their mouths hit the floor just as fast as their pencils.  yes, I may feel old when 9:30 is becoming my new bedtime.  yes, i recently plucked a mumbleGRAYmumble hair from my head. and yes, i have arthritis in my right knee.  but darn it! everyone tells me i look so young.  so i thought i would see just how true that really was!  so after their initial shock, her tone changed only slightly, but her overwhelming urge to control did not.  ugh!  Then there was her unspoken team mate that just felt compelled to use long, confusing sentences in order to make simple points in a pathetic effort to make herself feel like an intellectual.  But while she may be a very intelligent girl-though not really showing much today-i just feel like she was making the project a lot harder than it really was.  doing this alone, i could do this project and have it done and final conclusion complete by Monday morning.  I guess that's why I don't like putting my name on work that i have to rely on others efforts and thoughts in order to pass. I work at a certain pace and when others dont, i get annoyed. Then, on top of that, I have an overactive imagination.  Example of that:  I was the girl at age 7 who had a Barbie that used to rescue GI Joe on a daily basis from certain doom as she flew my older brother's remote controlled helicopter into the warzone of army men vs chess pieces.  (what can i say? i grew up in a house with four big brothers-entertainment resources were limited due to finances!)  But its that very overactive imagination that tends to earn me A's on research papers and projects.  Its that overactive imagination that immediately kicks into overdrive upon receipt of a project such as this one.  And maybe i have a little Asperger's Disorder in me too.  But if i get it in my mind how something should be done, and i have any responsibility in it getting done, then it needs to look, sound, smell or even taste like it does in my head.  If it doesn't, then it must be wrong... so what do you all think?  is my urge to email the teacher and beg her never to assign me to another group on a project ever again a little irrational?? is my educational ocd warranted?  is this a little asperger's like? or am i just a b***h?  whats the point-gonna have to get used to them, especially when i make it to grad school!  sigh...

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